What have you done as an organisation to set a transparent and pragmatic strategy that will add value to your clients and maximise your team’s results?
The Sales Strategist reveals why many strategies fail to be implemented successfully, and the faulty assumptions senior management make when attempting to develop top sales performance. The challenges and pitfalls to avoid and the steps you need to take now to dramatically transform your organisation, your team and your results.
Too often great sales people get the promotion to manager with disastrous results for everyone concerned. Often, due to a fundamental misunderstanding that sales and sales management are two very different skills. This is a complex role that requires investment and development but one that too often is neglected.
I believe globally there are hundreds of thousands of high-potential sales managers who despite being highly motivated to succeed are nevertheless struggling to survive.
They are ready and willing to do the right thing. What they lack is help and advice on what to do. Smart companies and management are recognising this fact and investing in their sales.
I have had the privilege to work with some world class
companies in leveraging the potential of their sales
management to transform their sales results.
The goal of this book is to provoke
sales leaders to re-examine old logic
and common wisdom about how
top sales performance is developed
and achieved.
And to ask the tough questions...