Tag Archives: Leverage


Leverage Your Uncertainty for Peak Performance!

We all should learn to live with an amount of uncertainty in life that’s only normal!

But early in the year it’s easy to let these feelings of doubt and uncertainty take over as you think about achieving this year’s business target.

Today, I’d like to share with you an experience that I think you will be able to relate to and offer a powerful suggestion to leverage this issue to impactfully improve your mindset and results.

The challenge is to manage this situation and then leverage it to improve your performance further.

In the last few weeks, I’ve been working with a talented sales manager who’s dealing with this issue. We’ll call her Jenny to protect confidentiality and the innocent from Interpol!

Despite setting a solid sales strategy and implementation plan in January, she seemed to be losing momentum.

When we analysed it together we discovered her real issue was the habit of ‘self-editing ‘.

You know what I mean, the questions your mind comes up with, second guessing your decisions and causing doubt about the rightness or validity of your plans.

In Sales, it can manifest itself in many ways. You stop making all the calls you should to prospects, you even start second guessing, if a planned meeting will be that productive or not.

As a manager, you hesitate to drive you plans through with the team or neglect their 1-2-1 pipeline meetings or coaching.

What’s the key to leveraging this situation to your benefit?

Here are 21 Words which capture it in a nutshell.

“Our main business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand.”

Sir William Osler

Every time you take the needed action you will see this doubt and second guessing start to fade. Your momentum starts to rise and you attract new opportunities to yourself.

The reality of course is that there is an abundance of new opportunities every day, ones where your products and services can to add real value to others.

So, stop ‘self-editing’ and throw yourself into the actions that lies clearly at hand!

The results will follow.

Happy and Successful Selling.
