Tag Archives: sales strategy


Does Your 2017 Sales Strategy Include These 5 Winning Elements?

This time of year business leaders are heads down in planning and strategy for 2017.

As you review results this year and look for growth in 2017, you know you can’t leave this planning to chance. Your competitors will be doing the same and no doubt looking to take your market share!

Many people are doing this planning but missing some vital elements for success.

Here are 5 keys areas to create a powerful business plan.

  1. No customer involvement. – The critical person in the success of your plan is your customer. Have you discussed with them where you are adding value? How can you best support their growth next year? What existing or new service do they really need?
  1. Its not a live working document. – Most business plans even the good ones are not referred to or adjusted frequently enough. Often only being revisited annually or bi-annually with little impact on the day to day priorities.
  1. No sales objectives. – The business plan only outlines the business results desired, it does not link them to specific sales objectives that show ‘ how ‘ these results will be achieved.
  1. No sales activities – the business plan does not include the specific sales activities that link directly to the achievement of the chosen sales objectives.
  1. No sales metrics – the business plan’s only metrics focus on business results, sales, revenue, turnover or margin. There are no metrics designed to measure the key sales activities to ensure accountability and control over the planned strategy.

Including these 5 elements will creates a winning business plan one that is :

  • Focused on adding real value to the customer.
  • Engages the sales team with a clear action plan.
  • Gives management visibility and control over how the results are being achieved month by month.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on any aspect of planning for 2017 peter.holland@linearstructure.com