Category Archives: Sales

Avoiding The Slippery Slopes In Planning Your CRM Project!

Planning a CRM program can be as simple as building consensus with the key stakeholders all of whom have a vested interest in customer retention. Or a complex endeavour involving a multi-month project to discover all the requirements via individual interviews with stakeholders from across the company. Two recent experiences have highlighted the importance of …

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Like The Emperor’s New Clothes… Is Your CRM Giving You A False Sense Of Control?

How many firms really possess accurate information on their sales forecast and overall sales pipeline? Take a walk around the departments in your organisation and you will see many departments that are much more advanced than sales. They enjoy a fundamental understanding of their internal workings, and are able to direct their day to day …

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Leverage Your Uncertainty for Peak Performance!

We all should learn to live with an amount of uncertainty in life that’s only normal! But early in the year it’s easy to let these feelings of doubt and uncertainty take over as you think about achieving this year’s business target. Today, I’d like to share with you an experience that I think you …

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Don’t Let Mental Fog Ruin Your Results. Get Working with Clarity & Confidence

It’s long been recognised that sales is almost entirely a mental game. As I look out across London this morning we are shrouded in a layer of thick fog. Which reminds me of the feeling that can easily develop mentally if you don’t have a clear and structured approach to your sales process. As sales …

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4 Keys to Maximising Sales

1. Right People – Foundational to creating high performance is getting the right team in place. No other activity can substitute for the work done at this initial stage. Creating a professional sales recruitment process will save you hours and hundreds of thousands in revenue. Focus on discovering the qualities that have made sales people …

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Does Your 2017 Sales Strategy Include These 5 Winning Elements?

This time of year business leaders are heads down in planning and strategy for 2017. As you review results this year and look for growth in 2017, you know you can’t leave this planning to chance. Your competitors will be doing the same and no doubt looking to take your market share! Many people are doing …

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Do you have the Attributes of a Great Sales Leader?

In addition to all the strategy and tactics of sales management, there’s another aspect to your success which is much more foundational and related to your own personal development. It’s your ability to communicate and positively influence lead your team. What’s really interesting is your success in this area is based almost entirely on just …

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Are you investing in your sales manager?

At this time of year you’re probably setting out your sales strategy for 2017. The usual suspects are there in the budget, including some sales training for the team. Often this will be passed on to HR for them to organise a generic sales training workshop which ticks the box. I know I sat through …

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Are You Maximising Your Internal Sales Team’s Potential?

Today customers are finding you before you find them. The increased importance of inbound sales marketing methods is clear to see. However, who is the first person to respond to an inbound sales inquiry? Often it’s the internal sales support team or customer service departments that handle these calls and emails. They have a unique …

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