5 Things Salespeople Must Do Now For 2021 Success

Since the start of the pandemic the salespeople I’ve helped who have applied the following tips have created more substantive business opportunities and healthy pipelines for 2021.

Positive Mindset – Having the belief and self-talk that you are helping and offering value to others, rather than “selling” and being intrusive during hard times, is the key to comfortable outreach and making calls.

Share Value – Approaching with an offer to help, by sharing fresh ideas and new perspectives without focusing on products and services leads to more meaningful and productive conversations. This value could assist prospects in achieving both company or personal goals.

Marketing Gravity – Build an ‘Attraction Campaign’ by creating a series of 6-7 pieces of content that demonstrate the value you can bring. Organise to send these to prospects over coming weeks via a variety of media, including social media, email and follow calls.
During your telephone calls establish if the content you sent was relevant and of interest and potentially set up a virtual meeting.

Engagement – Whilst sales and relationship building principles are the same, how you achieve them has altered dramatically. Ensure your meetings are truely interactive and engaging by using collaborative whiteboards, process visuals and mixed together with great questions to stimulate a genuine two way conversation.

Invest in your professional image, an external mic for crisp sound, a webcam for sharp visuals and quality lighting are all key to presenting a professional image. And don’t forget to dress as if you were attending an important external meeting. Prospects will judge you on your appearance and it does influence their buying decisions. So don’t miss this easy opportunity to outshine your competition.

Try to make meetings in the morning while people are fresh rather than later in the day when virtual meeting lag sets in. Time your meeting at 15min after the hour or at 45min to allow people a bit of headspace between meetings which are normally booked on the hour.

Implement – Consistency in your outbound activities is the secret to success. Get your attraction campaign well organised and preferably automated to save time. Discipline yourself by booking regular daily slots into your diary for your outbound prospecting and follow up calls for meetings. This will ensure a continual flow of fresh opportunities into your pipeline.

These approaches are field tested and proven to produce the results you desire!

Any questions or ideas please drop me a line at peter.holland@linearstructure.com

Committed to Your Sales Success!


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The Sales Strategist Book Image - Peter Holland