Are You Investing in Your Most Valuable Sales Asset?

I know it’s shocking but training your salespeople won’t get you the peak performance results you want.

Today smart companies across the globe are waking up to an important fact.

They must invest in and empower their sales managers if they want to achieve maximum performance.

We must stop the erroneous idea that promoting good salespeople will automatically give us great managers.

It won’t because ‘Sales Management’ is a completely different role.

Here are 5 reasons why every company should be investing in developing their sales managers skills.

  1. Who sets the pace?

Managers are the ones that set the pace and create the atmosphere for the whole team to achieve high performance.

  1. Who is the link between the boardroom and sales?

Sales managers are the ones who can effectively communicate the strategy and direction from the boardroom and translate that into meaningful sales activities to be implemented in the field.

  1. Know their numbers

Managers must understand their sales figures, and be able to read them like a book, spotting pipeline pitfalls and potential forecast blockages, plus an ability to help their team overcome these issues.

  1. Leverage their experience

They need strong coaching skills to enable them to transfer their knowledge effectively, multiplying their skills throughout the team.

  1. Breed Loyalty

A good manager will win the hearts and minds of their team. This is another valuable asset when you consider the high cost of staff retention on your organisation.

The person in the role of sales manager can dramatically affect the bottom line, but they need to know what qualities to develop to be a great leader.

When you think about these 5 points is evident that investing and empowering your sales manager is the key to maximising team performance and results.

If you’d like more ideas to develop as a sales leaders check out these articles

Committed to Your continued sales success!


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The Sales Strategist Book Image - Peter Holland