Unite Your Sales & Marketing to Drive B2B Sales Growth

The hidden barrier to increasing sales is not the economy, your customer’s budget, or the pandemic. It’s much closer to home, it’s the weariness and unease that stop you from taking action.

As a sales leader you need to reset your mindset daily to focus on the opportunities for growth. Many are right under your nose.

In the next series of blog posts, I’d like to share keys tips for maximising your sales performance. They don’t require extra budget or resources and they’re all subjects under your control. A novel feeling right now I know.

First is the sales growth that can be achieved by aligning and uniting your sales and marketing efforts.

Here are six keys to drive alignment and sales growth.

  1. A Fresh Mindset – Senior management need to positively encourage and lead the creation of one united revenue team. Get rid of the old silos of sales and marketing by having common goals, joint KPI’s and shared rewards.
  2. Solid Communication Platform – Set up a platform so it’s easy for everyone to communicate together and share data on a frequent basis. Often the feedback from client meetings shared by sales and marketing can be absolute gold dust in helping teams understand each other.
  3. Content Creation – Sales and marketing teams that work together to produce content for specific personas find their results far more impactful.

  1. A Practical SLA – This agreement is a simple list the actions each party will complete during the month. The intent is to create mutual respect, open communication and accountability to each other.
  2. Closed Loop Reporting – Every month the teams track and monitor their KPI metrics to see what leads were generated and at what stage they are in the pipeline. It’s motivating to see how your joint efforts are producing results and these wins should be celebrated together.
  1. Continual Review – Each month the teams continually review their progress, the effectiveness of their content and discuss any necessary adjustments to improve their process. Include in your review meetings other departments, for example, customer service or product design who will be able to add valuable insight.

The only antidote to paralysis is taking massive action. Ask yourself what you can do today to put some of these strategies in motion.

Let us know how we can help your sales leadership team put these and other practical ideas into practice at peter.holland@linearstructure.com

Taking action now will result in finishing this challenging year strongly and a positive pipeline for 2021.

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The Sales Strategist Book Image - Peter Holland