Category Archives: Uncategorized

Are Your Assumptions Costing You Sales?

How many of us have at one time made an assumption about a person, company or situation that proved completely incorrect? All of us if we are perfectly honest have fallen into this trap at one time or another but…why? Well, do we make assumptions about people we meet in a nano-second? Yes, absolutely we …

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Does Knowing Your Sales Data Really Impact Your Results?

I recently heard a sales team complaining about having to keep their sales opportunities up to date. Sure, I get how you feel, like this is wasted time away from actual selling time. “It’s just admin I hate…” But is that the right perspective? No it’s not and here is why. If you don’t know …

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Commitment to Completion – Your Key to Success

Do you find it easy to start new projects but then lose focus, get distracted and drift off course? You’re not alone in feeling that way. Over the last ten years of working with top sales leaders and their teams, I’ve noted it’s their commitment to completion that has been one of the outstanding hallmarks …

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Is Your Outreach Creating Curiosity or Sales Resistance?

“Sorry we already have that sorted by someone else.” or “we don’t have the budget for it now thanks” Ouch. That feeling when this is how the conversation STARTS! If you’re hearing this, maybe it’s Your old methods that are the cause. Sceptical and Time Poor prospects won’t respond if you’re not 100% focused on solving the …

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Are You Using Your Most Powerful Sales Tool Effectively? – The Telephone

The prevalence of new and alternative methods of communication have caused many salespeople to neglect one of their most powerful assets. A piece of old technology, the telephone. Too many people these days prefer to hide behind Email, text and social media rather than picking up the phone and creating an engaging and meaningful conversation. …

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Reinvigorate Your Prospecting Outreach!

Let’s face it whilst we all know reaching out and making new contacts is critical to our pipeline health and sales results, it’s often the one thing we as salespeople tend to put off. One key to reinvigorating your desire and energy to get this task done every day is to have a powerful and …

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How to 4 x Your Prospecting Efforts Now

One task can literally 4 x your prospecting results – Creating a strategic and finite list of key targeted accounts. Often when I’m coaching salespeople I ask them, “Please can you show me your list of targeted accounts?” Too often the response I get is: Sure we have them all here in our database and …

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Why a Sales Coaching Mindset Delivers Powerful Results

Put simply, coaching is a process to improve performance that focuses on helping an individual unlock their own potential to maximise performance. Coaching helps them to learn rather than you teaching them. Most sales managers are poor coaches lacking the ability and skills to help individuals reach their full potential. Now’s the time to learn …

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No.1 Activity to Add Value to Your Sales Team?

As a manager you urgently want your team to perform at their best this year. Question: What is the one activity you can do to ensure this happens? Answer: Coaching Problem: Most sales managers don’t have a reliable method to consistently develop the performance of their team. Why? : Top Reasons. Have not been trained …

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